Suzaku Kururugi is Lelouch's childhood friend and son of Japan's last prime minister, Genbu Kururugi. He is the deuteragonist of the series, aligned against Zero's Black Knights but nevertheless intent on changing the Britannian Empire for the better. He claims that achieving results by wrong or illegal methods is meaningless, wanting to change Britannia from within. Suzaku is an Honorary Britannian and part of the Britannian army, later becoming the pilot of the experimental Knightmare Frame Lancelot as a member of the R&D Division. He later falls in love with Princess Euphemia, who is murdered by Zero. In the second season, Suzaku is granted a position in the Knights of the Round by the Emperor for his capture of Zero. His title and rank is Knight of Seven. Suzaku desires to become the Knight of One, a status that will allow him to rule Area 11 by his choosing. However, when Lelouch became the 99th Emperor of Brittania, he became the Knight of Zero, positioning him as the highest rank in the Knight of The Round.

Shirley Fenette (シャーリー・フェネット, Shārī Fenetto?) is a typical, all-around nice girl who is exceptionally friendly and loves her friends. She is a member of the swimming club. She admits to being infatuated with Lelouch since his enrollment on campus, but finds it extremely hard to get his attention. She has a habit of jumping to conclusions before people can explain things to her, particularly where Lelouch is concerned. Shirley was awarded 19th place in the 29th Anime Grand Prix for Favorite Female Character. Her name and character design are direct references to Anne Shirley (アン・シャーリー, An Shārī?), a character from Nippon Animation's popular anime series Anne of Green Gables (赤毛のアン, Akage no An?).
Shirley was a cheery and upbeat student at Ashford Academy and a member of its student council. Shirley went out of her way to make others feel accepted, evident in her attempt to make friends with Suzaku Kururugi when he is first entered into Ashford Academy, despite most of the student body seeing him as a possibly dangerous Eleven.
Shirley has a major role in the middle of the first season. After the Black Knights, led by Lelouch's alter ego Zero, indirectly cause the death of her father during the Battle of Narita, Villetta Nu suggests that Lelouch may be involved with the Black Knights. The distressed Shirley follows him and discovers that he is in fact Zero, but shoots Villetta to protect his secret. She tries to write a letter about her feelings on the situation to Lelouch, only to throw it aside. Mao then uses his mind-reading Geass to manipulate her into killing Lelouch for him, but she cannot bring herself to do so. To alleviate her suffering, Lelouch uses his Geass to erase Shirley's memories of him. Lelouch expresses regret for having to do so. Shirley rediscovers her letter near the end of the first season, but cannot confront Lelouch about it because of the rebellion that takes place.
In the second season, Shirley's memories, along with the rest of Ashford's Student Council, have been rewritten by the Emperor, erasing her memories of Zero's identity for the second time. Her affection for Lelouch has returned over the intermediate year. Her memories are restored by Jeremiah Gottwald's Geass Canceller. After coming to terms with it, she comes to understand Lelouch's motivations and forgives him after realizing that he is alone in his quest. She resolves to support him as the one true thing in his life, but before she can find him, she runs into Rolo. She attempts to reason with Rolo so he can help her join Lelouch, but when Shirley mentions that she wants to help Lelouch reunite with Nunnally, Rolo snaps and mortally wounds her. She confesses her feelings to Lelouch when he finds her and dies in his arms despite Lelouch's desperate attempts to command her to live using his Geass. Her death is ruled as a suicide. Lelouch then blames the power of the Geass in causing her death and orders the destruction of the Geass Order.
Milly Ashford (ミレイ・アッシュフォード, Mirei Asshufōdo?) is the granddaughter of the school superintendent, Ruben K. Ashford, and president of the Student Council. Milly enjoys teasing Shirley and is eager to discover Lelouch's weaknesses — so much as to rally the entire school into chasing after Arthur when she suspects the cat to hold something precious to him.
Milly is aware of Lelouch's identity as a former prince of Britannia, her family having supported Empress Marianne. In the second picture drama special included on the DVD release, her grandfather and Nina's grandfather are said to have worked on the Io and Ganymede Knightmare Frames together. Marianne's assassination led to the family's nobility status being stripped. The Ashfords arrange for Milly to marry Earl Lloyd Asplund to restore it. After the events of the first season, Milly remains a student on campus because she failed her examinations, although it is noted that she did so on purpose to remain on campus with her friends. She eventually earns enough credits to graduate. After graduating, she becomes a reporter on the local TV news and breaks off her engagement with Lloyd in an effort to become more true to herself. Milly is last seen in Ohgi and Villetta's wedding picture.
Rivalz Cardemonde (リヴァル・カルデモンド, Rivaru Karudemondo?) is one of Lelouch's friends, usually driving Lelouch around on his motorbike as an ante for their bets on chess games. He has a part-time job as a bartender/waiter and carries unrequited love for Milly Ashford, especially when it is announced that she is going through a marriage interview. Shown in-series and in the DVD-exclusive bonus material, Rivalz forms a fast friendship with Suzaku after he joins the student council at Lelouch's request. Rivalz's real surname is not Cardemonde, which is his mother's maiden name that he uses after his parents became estranged. He was born and partially raised in California. Rivalz is last seen in Ohgi and Villetta's wedding picture.
Nina Einstein (ニーナ・アインシュタイン, Nīna Ainshutain?) is introduced as a bookish member of the student council at Ashford Academy. Nina demonstrates an acute xenophobic reaction to Elevens and is initially intimidated by Suzaku when he arrives in the school. She develops an obsession with Third Princess Euphemia after the latter helps her during a traumatizing hostage incident at the Lake Kawaguchi Convention Center Hotel.
Lloyd Asplund is interested in Nina's personal research regarding the possibility of using Uranium-235 as a fuel, even providing her with some sakuradite to further her research. Following Euphemia's death, Nina becomes emotionally and mentally unstable. In a misguided attempt to kill Zero and avenge the princess, she arms the Ashford's Ganymede Knightmare Frame with a prototype nuclear reactor and intends to detonate it and take out all of Tokyo, but it fails to explode.
Nina is eventually recruited by Second Prince Schneizel as chief of his "In Vogue" research team headquartered in Dallas, Texas. Schneizel seems to keep her stable by reminding her of how Euphemia would act, though her bitterness towards Zero is not forgotten.Under him, she eventually creates a working bomb. The bomb, codenamed F.L.E.I.J.A. (Field Limitary Effective Implosion Armament, pronounced "Freya"), vaporizes everything within a specific radius. The one used on Tokyo obliterates everything within eight kilometers, while another used on the Britannian capital of Pendragon destroys everything within 100 kilometers, accomplished by removing the limiter on the device. Though she is initially thrilled to see her revenge on Zero coming true, Nina is actually shocked and devastated by the destruction caused by her own weapon, which causes more than 35 million casualties when fired on Tokyo Settlement. Lloyd tells her that she'll have to become detached if she intends to continue being a scientist.
Nina is forced to go into hiding shortly thereafter within Ashford Academy, as she is considered a criminal for her connection with the development of F.L.E.I.J.A. Lelouch enlists her aid in creating a countermeasure to F.L.E.I.J.A., learning that Schneizel made it even more deadly, which he successfully completes. She offers to assist him in deploying it, but he refuses to let her, considering it his task for killing Euphemia. Nina then admits that she will likely never forgive Zero for that, but needed to find her own answer, to which Lelouch responds by calling her a good person. She is later seen as a prisoner of Emperor Lelouch, along with the rest of the Black Knights and several Lelouch supporters, though she's not slated for execution. She's also seen in the picture of Villetta and Ohgi's wedding, having apparently gotten over her xenophobia.
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